WILSON TAN this hunk actually began a career in chemical engineering. Serving in large organisations such as petronas before a detour in modelling became fulltime passion. Since then, the jovial wilson has seen his career surge ahead in leaps and bounds. He is a much sought after runway model for international brands such as Gucci, Versace and Guess. His career recieved an even bigger boots since he won the modelling category in the television show "World Star Road To Hollywood". Now wilson on his way to Tinseltown to represent Malaysia and battle with contestants from 60 other countries. He also meet agents from renowned agencies such as Ford and Elite, and hopefully land himself a plum deal with them. It seem succsess is only a flight away for this handsome dude.

Chiselled to Perfection, what's not to like?

Overhelming with gratitude. Just do the efforts and be appreciated. 

Perfect shadow won't come with imperfect figure. Do it just right.

The shine reflects the perfect two. See no reasons for our HEARTS not to become one.

Travel and discover yourself !

Walk along faith, confident and sincerity. Let the way be the witness.

Who cares about number? Being on TOP is all that matters.

Being healthy is a must. Why don't you?

Black is loved, and White does it all the way to SIMPLE & ELEGANT .

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